Reviewed by zooloo1983 on

5 of 5 stars

Each time I write these reviews I struggle because I know I am one closer to the end of the series and the next book is the end! How can this be!! Before I start my review I want a lot of appreciation for the cover! It is my favourite of them all, helps blue is my favourite colour too!

Ok, I still have not found the words I need for the review! I mean will I BLOODY love it do? Because that is the truth! I did! I love the story of Lexi and her secret life. Joe is working as a stagehand for Cameron the director and we are introduced to Lexi who is taking centre stage for the play due to the leading actress Hattie Duvall has suddenly taken ill and Lexi has literally killed it with her performance. She receives some flowers but who is this mysterious admirer. Next day she is found dead in her flat by Joe, poor bloke he always seems to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Skinner (cue dramatic booing and hissing) turns up and think he owns the show.

Thankfully Skinner does not take up too many pages, however, if I bit my nails, I would start. We are coming up to the last book, Smalltown Boy and my suspicions are that Skinner is going to be gunning for Joe. (Him being my smalltown boy) I am nervous about the fall out as it’s the last book in the series and I just know there is going to be something explosive happening especially as it’s been building in these books. Freddie and his lawyer colleagues have been pressing buttons and Mike, the cute new policeman has also thrown his two pence in. Enough to make anyone nervous.

Alright, I will talk about Killer Queen instead of digressing to my conspiracy theories. I think for the first time I was a lot quicker than Joe and Russell to who the murderer was, which I felt proud of. Yet, it was bittersweet especially when Joe caught up with me and had his eureka moment, the reasonings were quite sad and to be honest I could envisage this does happen quite a lot. Not the murders but the feelings and the reasoning! This book is the Joe show, we did get to see everyone but yet again there is another murder in Joe’s workplace, and he takes the lead role in this. He is such a loveable character and can hold his own, he has come such a long way since Tainted Love and he just wants to do right by everyone. All I want for him is to be happy again and I think there is a light trying to shine for him – so fingers crossed!

I really can’t get enough of Toby’s writing! I came late to the series but I have read every single one of these and loved them all. I have one thing to moan about and I think I have moaned every time about it….but they are just not long enough! I want more and I demand more, what do I want? MORE – oh oops got a bit carried away here but you get the picture! It is actually criminal that there isn’t more.

Ok back to Killer Queen what else can I tell you? It is just such an epic novella! The whole series is epic! The story that unfolds in front of my eyes is not always the story of who has died and Joe and Russell solving the crime. It is more the story of Joe and Russell trying to survive in the 80s where there is a lot of hate towards the gay community. You have a fear of aids, a fear you will get beaten in the street because you don’t think the same way as someone else and what you get is two guys who would do anything for each other. Two guys who basically say a big F-You to everyone, they have their friends and these friends are family and they are loyal. Regardless of sexuality, this small community of people makes my heart soar. As I have mentioned these are novellas so for Toby to make you care so damn much about everyone in so few a pages is such a testament to his writing!

Ok the last thing, just read the blinking series! If you want to read a series about an ex-policeman and a “Joe” bloggs solving crimes then this is for you. I just love it! There are no dull moments in the book, like normal the plot flows so quickly and we are just taking along the journey at a speed that no words are wasted. It’s like Toby has been in my head and thought right what book does she want, I know! And then he wrote it. These are never a chore to read and I have to savour the words.

Okay, will stop gushing now, just go and get the book. If you want a more coherent review you can try Kelly over at From Belgium with Book love! She will most definitely do a better job than I have!

Get prepared for the last book in December Smalltown Boy, please send tissues!

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  • 29 November, 2019: Reviewed