Reviewed by Angie on

4 of 5 stars

Sleeping with the Boss is a quick, cute, and sexy romance! Claire is a bit awkward and has just started a temp job at Anderson Auctions, where they think she may be a spy! Someone has been getting to their clients before deals are made, and selling to other buyers, which just so happened to start when she came to work there. And the culprit's description seems to match hers. Although, after meeting her, the head of security, Will, doesn't think it's her at all. He wants to prove her innocence, and it has nothing to do with his growing attraction to her. But there's mounting evidence that makes it seem like she is the one stealing clients away, but it's all a big misunderstanding.

I absolutely adored the first chapter of Sleeping with the Boss and it set the perfect, fun tone for the rest of the book. Claire wasn't having the best morning. She's running a little behind, a woman on the elevator's perfume is messing her allergies, and then she spills her purse and splits her skirt right up the seam while retrieving her belongings. All in front of a super hot man, whom she later finds out is Will Anderson, her kind of boss. Will finds her mishaps endearing, and he can't get her out of his head. I do wish the author had played up her "Claire-isms" a bit more. Claire says she's very clumsy and awkward, but there's really only two instances of this. It would have made the story even more playful and fun.

The plot was also fun and engaging. Will really doesn't think Claire is a spy, but there is a ton of circumstantial evidence. She started working at the time the clients were being deferred, her employee file is nearly blank, she lives in the richest part of the city, and apparently a huge sum of money is being transferred into her bank account! Needless to say, Claire is not happy at being accused or investigated, but I liked the way she handled the situation. This could have easily become a huge drama fest, but it didn't. I also like that twist at the end.

I really enjoyed Sleeping with the Boss. It's the exact type of light romance that I love reading. It also went by super fast, so I never got the chance to get bored of it or lose interest. I do have to say that I wasn't thrilled about Claire's decision at the end. I'm just not a fan of completely throwing away your dreams for a relationship, but the ending was sweet and I bet they made it work.

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  • 20 August, 2014: Finished reading
  • 20 August, 2014: Reviewed