Reviewed by anastasia on

5 of 5 stars

Full Review on my blog!
*a copy was provided by the author*

😍😭omg. I am in love.

I jumped at the chance to read this, and oh my god! This was everything I could have hoped for. It was so raw and beautiful. I literally read it in a day. 

After reading book one, I'm actually happy this one was about Ace. Ace is a wonderfully broken character, he's so raw and there's so much to him. 

Ace and Stéphanie are a perfect match, in so many ways. They both have inner demons, what they don't realize at first is that their paths have crossed before; the stem to their inner demons. It's absolutely heartbreaking, but so, so good.  

It was unique, entertaining and had great characters. I found Your Echo a more captivating read than Your Rhythm. I cannot wait to read more of this series! I highly recommend it. 

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  • Started reading
  • 14 August, 2018: Finished reading
  • 14 August, 2018: Reviewed