Reviewed by Lynn on

4 of 5 stars

My expectations were high as I dived into this second book in the Bad For You series. Ms. Bardan didn't disappoint with Didn't You Promise as we continue the journey with Angelina and Haithem.

There's no doubting the potency of Angelina and Haithem bond in the first book so I'm surprised that their connection became stronger and more intense as their relationship developed. With an alternate point of view, we're exposed to the thoughts of both protagonists at crucial points during their dangerous, secretive expedition as the true magnitude of Haithem plan is revealed. Yet, the way's littered with insecurity, betrayal and deceit. Potential danger always at the forefront as Haithem wrestles with his conscience...should he leave and walk away from Angelina or stay?

Angelina's trust, love and devotion to Hathem are tested to the limits as she comes to terms with the sacrifices – not only her own but Haithem's too. She may have been a shy unassuming, naive young woman before that fateful night she went to Haithem's boat. However, as time moves on, she's more than capable of holding her own within their extraordinary coupling to the point where she is the one to bring the controlling-alpha Haithem to his knees.

The pace is fast, the sexy times are hot, the writing superb!

I strongly recommend you read Didn't I Warn You first to fully identify with the protagonists and their won't disappoint. I highly recommend to fans of Romantic Suspense.

4 Stars

***arc generously received courtesy of Carina Press via NetGalley***

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  • Started reading
  • 16 June, 2016: Finished reading
  • 16 June, 2016: Reviewed