Vision Vol. 2: Little Better Than A Beast by Tom King

Vision Vol. 2: Little Better Than A Beast

by Tom King

Once upon a time a robot and a witch fell in love. What followed was a tale of the dead and the dying, of the hopeful and the lost, of the wronged and the avenged. And in the end, after both had fallen, the witch and the robot rose from their dirt and eyed each other across a field of blood and bone. Forty-five years in the making, this is the story of Scarlet Witch and the Vision. Before family, there was love. And war.

Reviewed by sleepseeker on

5 of 5 stars

Great finish to an awesome series. In each single issue we are given some new bit of info or flashback that gets you thinking and pushes towards the conclusion. Most comics you will read once and probably won't read again. This one will have you reading it a 2nd and maybe a third time as it's thought provoking.

The art is fantastic along with the story Tom King wrote. I haven't read much Vision stories and read this because it had high praises. I wasn't disappointed and will be on the look out for some more on Vision.

I haven't read much on Vision and Wanda's romance and relationship, since romance isn't my thing, but I do want to know more of their story.

Overall this is a great run and had a satisfying conclusion.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 24 October, 2020: Finished reading
  • 24 October, 2020: Reviewed