Reviewed by whisperingchapters on

3 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on Latte Nights ReviewsKenna’s life was normal until she killed someone when she was only 10-years-old. Since then, she doesn’t allow herself to touch people or lets people touch her. One night, her family gets attacked and Kenna’s powers go above and beyond what she has done and her mom takes her to Eclipse, a small community of people like Kenna, who are called Kalyptra.

This book was at times creepy and very intriguing. The community was kind of a cult in my opinion with how secluded from the world they were, no one even knowing about them and they had some weird practices.

The prologue set the tone for the whole story: dark, eerie and chilling. From the very first line, you want to know why and how Kenna is how she is. When Kenna goes to live with the Kalyptra, she’s hesitant at first but then feels like she’s living in paradise. She learns more about her powers especially to control it, which is something she has wanted for a while so she’s able to touch people again. But things aren’t always what they seem and she has to choose where to live: the commune or with her mom and twin sister.

Seeing Kenna shed free of that tough exterior was great. She has secluded herself from the world and as I said before, doesn’t touch or gets touched by anyone. She doesn’t want to risk it so when she realizes that at Eclipse she doesn’t have to worry about this, she feels free. I didn’t like Kenna’s attitude towards her mom because it was immature. She kept saying her mom should have told her about her powers and I totally agree but the way Kenna starts to think and talk about her mom irritated me. She was on the borderline of hate and I wasn’t okay with that.

Another thing I didn’t like was that the ending didn’t feel complete and seeing as this is a standalone, it frustrated me. I was expecting more of a full ending with everything set and done but nope. It wasn’t really the case. Nonetheless, I enjoyed it and it’s a great story that I wish I could tell you more about but then I would be spoiling all of you.

For 345 pages, I actually read this book in one sitting. I told myself to only read around 70 pages each day so I could read other books but this book was so intriguing from the start that I kept going at it until I finished.

I would recommend this story if you’re looking for a kind of fast read that hooks you from the start with the dark and twisted story, leaving you wanting more.This review was originally posted on Latte Nights Reviews

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  • Started reading
  • 21 December, 2015: Finished reading
  • 21 December, 2015: Reviewed