Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

5 of 5 stars

Rating: 4.5 Stars

There was a famous baseball player from back in the day, who I need to steal a line from, because lately, baseball's been very, very good to me. I have recently read a quite a few fantastic baseball books, and I am adding Announcing Trouble to that list.

No lie, I was laughing and wearing a stupid grin for almost the entirety of this book, the other parts, I was wiping a few tears from my eyes. It was a really great emotional experience for me, and I attribute that largely to the wonderful characters and this fabulous set up.

Josie used to love the game, but her love turned to hate, when baseball seemed to rob her of so many things. Enter Garrett, a former star pitcher, who injured himself, but was willing to do almost anything to get back in the game.

In an effort to maintain some connection to the sport he loved, Garrett began broadcasting the games at school. Appalled by the terrible color commentary, Josie burst into the booth to show them how it was done, and a stellar partnership began.

These two together were a thing of beauty. Their rhythm and the way they played off each other was magical, and this was happening both inside and outside the booth. The banter and chemistry were off the charts fantastic. Though, this book leaned towards the lighter side, it was also quite an emotional story.

Both Garrett and Josie were dealing with big losses in their lives. Josie dealt with it by abandoning her dreams and settling, while Garrett was more willing to fight for his. The discussions these two and their friends shared regarding their passions, dreams, and futures were very thoughtful, and it was at times agonizing while I waited to see how it all panned out.

Dominy really built the case for why Josie should stay away from Garrett, but my heart was screaming for these two to get together. I was surprised by a few decisions that were made, but in the end, I was left feeling like like a kid in a puppy cuddle - all smiles and warm fuzzies.

Quick recap:

☑️ Fabulous characters
☑️ Adorable romance
☑️ Fantastic friendships
☑️ Great and loving parents
☑️ Smile inducing
☑️ Amazing banter
☑️ A grand gesture

This book sort of had it all for me, and it was done, in my opinion, really well.

I am hard pressed to believe that anyone, who reads this book could resist falling in love with Josie and Garrett. These two won my heart, and I was full-on rooting for them to achieve their dreams and get their HEA.

*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.


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  • 14 July, 2019: Finished reading
  • 14 July, 2019: Reviewed