Reviewed by Angie on

2 of 5 stars

Aidan is an okay shifter romance. There are parts that I really liked, and some that I really didn't. It started off great! Aidan's best friend, Liam, is caught up in a depression. It's not just depression, but a specific one that male shifters go through when their mate leaves them. Aidan gets into contact with a shifter psychiatrist who specializes in this, but upon meeting her, things go badly. Jaylin awakens the Drall, which basically means she's Aidan's mate and he'll stop at nothing to have her. Unfortunately for him, Jaylin has decided that she will only marry a human man, since she knows just how crippling it can be to lose a shifter mate, for either partner.

I loved that set up, and how we learn a lot about shifter romance without info dumps. It's actually happening, and we get to see the start of a bond with Aidan, and what happens when the bond goes badly with Liam. Then it kind of went downhill from there. Liam tricks Jaylin into going on a trip to Cancun, and doesn't let her leave. This is kidnapping! I do like how shifters know who their mates are and pursue them, but Aidan goes too far. Plus, Liam needs help, so not only does his best friend leave him, but takes the doctor, too! Sure, he set him up with another one (over Skype), but still. Way to be a good friend.

While this plot annoyed me, what most bothered me about Aidan was how everyone spoke like these events were happening over weeks, months, or even years. The word choices were just really bad, since Aidan kidnaps Jaylin after just a few days of meeting her. Then they send three or four days in Cancun, and yet he has spent "weeks" trying to convince her that they're meant to be. And there's a few mentions of it being "so long" but no, it's a few days! I can get behind instalove when there's a reason for it, but don't act like it's been longer than it has been.

Aidan just didn't work for me for the most part. I spent a lot time rolling my eyes and wanting to yell at the characters for stupid things. Jaylin treats Aidan like a yo-yo, and is shocked when he's upset by this. But, of course, they get their happy ending.

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  • Started reading
  • 25 March, 2014: Finished reading
  • 25 March, 2014: Reviewed