Tiger's Quest (Book 2 in the Tiger's Curse Series) by Colleen Houck

Tiger's Quest (Book 2 in the Tiger's Curse Series) (Tiger's Curse, #2)

by Colleen Houck

Faith. Trust. Desire.
How far would you go to free the one you love?

Kelsey Hayes's eighteenth summer was crazy. The kind of crazy that nobody would ever believe.

Aside from battling immortal sea monkeys and trekking the jungles of India, she fell in love with Ren, a 300-year-old prince.

When danger suddenly forces Kelsey on another Indian quest with Ren's bad-boy brother, Kishan, the unlikely duo begins to question their true destiny. Ren's life hangs in the balance—and so does the truth within Kelsey's heart.

Tiger's Quest, the thrilling second volume in the Tiger's Curse series, brings the trio one step closer to breaking the ancient prophecy that binds them.

Reviewed by Chelsea on

4 of 5 stars

I really did enjoy this book. It’s kinda hard to write about it because I had a lot of mixed feelings about it. I loved the plot and characters mostly but the writing was kinda sucky and there were some Twilight moments here and there. The author just writes too formal almost. I don’t know how to explain it. You’d have to read it and see but I’m also really picky when it comes to how an author writes. It wasn’t bad enough that I couldn’t ignore it though.

The first few pages I found were a little awkward. Kelsey was trying to date new people and it was just weird and really pitiful. It was also a little boring but it did start to pick up. Finally Ren comes back in the picture and the story gets better. The competition between him and Li was stupid but other than that I was glad he was back. I really love how the relationships between the main characters are.

So eventually we get going on the quest part of this story. Took long enough. Kelsey is paired with Kishan this time and I think I like him the best of the brothers. I love Kelsey with Ren but Kishan is my favorite. I didn’t really like the twist at the end with Ren but nothing I can do about that. I really enjoy the quest parts of these books. I like how the author has all these myths squished into one place. It’s a really cool concept.

If you haven’t read these yet give it a try!

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  • 18 August, 2013: Finished reading
  • 18 August, 2013: Reviewed