Murder Most Austen by Tracy Kiely

Murder Most Austen (Elizabeth Parker Mysteries, #4)

by Tracy Kiely

"A dedicated Anglophile and Janeite, Elizabeth Parker is hoping the trip to the Jane Austen Festival in Bath will distract her from her lack of a job and her uncertain future with her boyfriend. On the plane ride, she and Aunt Winnie meet Professor Zackary Baines, a self-proclaimed expert on all things Austen. He claims that within each Austen novel there is another darker secondary story, usually involving sordid behavior. He claims to know the true cause of Austen's death, and it's a truth which will greatly outrage Austen fans. Elizabeth and Aunt Winnie don't take him or his findings seriously. But someone must, because during the costume ball, Baines is stabbed to death. Kiely expertly combines the wit and spunk of Austen's protagonists with a contemporary traditional mystery, creating an entertaining puzzle. Austen fans especially are in for a big treat"--

Reviewed by MurderByDeath on

4 of 5 stars

I love this series and Murder Most Austen was, I think, the best so far. The main character Elizabeth really comes into her own in this book, I got a much better sense of her as a 'person'. I thought the dialogue between her and her aunt was full of wit and humour. The setting of Bath was a great one, especially if one is a Jane Austen fan, as this takes place during the Jane Austen Festival.

The murder mystery was very well crafted: lots of suspects, a red herring or two, a surprise here and there. I really was surprised by the 'big reveal', didn't see it coming at all. A really enjoyable ending that left me smiling at the end. I hope this series continues on for many more books to come.

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  • Started reading
  • 26 September, 2012: Finished reading
  • 26 September, 2012: Reviewed