Tiny Dino Worlds by Christine Bayles Kortsch

Tiny Dino Worlds

by Christine Bayles Kortsch

Create your own magical prehistoric terrariums and dioramas while teaching kids about dinosaurs and their habitats.

Tiny Dino Worlds shows dinosaur lovers of all ages how to create prehistoric habitats with real plants. From active volcanoes and dino poop to handmade fossils and interactive terrariums, kids and adults alike will have fun building living habitats for all of their favorite dinos.

Design a Jurassic world with plants that actually look just like prehistoric ones--or stage an epic battle between the vicious T-rex and the stubborn Triceratops. The book includes 26 simple projects (appropriate for kids ages 4-10), ranging from making sticky mud traps from homemade slime to cracking open "ice eggs" to reveal the dino hidden inside. Written by a crafty mom and vetted by two paleontologists, this book is jam-packed with fun, educational projects, weird but true facts about dinosaurs, and gorgeous step-by-step photography. Tiny Dino Worlds is sure to delight all the dinosaur-lovers in your life!

Reviewed by annieb123 on

5 of 5 stars

Originally published on my blog: Nonstop Reader.

Tiny Dino Worlds is a fun tutorial guide to crafting miniature habitats using plastic dinosaurs and other items along with containers and plants to create living dioramas. Due out 10th March 2020 from Roost Books, it's 224 pages and will be available in paperback format.

This is such a FUN book. The tutorials are appealing and the instructions are well written and accessible for all ages. There are a number of alternate tips and instructions which can be done by any age kids to adults, but there are some (well labeled) which might require some grownup help to finish.

The introduction contains some good background information and colorful graphics with a short capsule treatment of the mesozoic era (ca. 252-66 million years ago). The language used is correct, but well defined and not overly rigorous or too technical. The intro also contains some really appealing infographics showing different dinosaur families and when they made an appearance (and exit) in Earth's distant past.

The tutorials themselves are really fun and appealing and the plant and rock selections are clever (tiny versions of plants similar to the ones found in the era). The authors have emphasized cost-effective tools and supplies (go for a tub or bucket of mini-dinosaur toys instead of specialized expensive collectible ones). The general instructions lead into the 20 (by my count) specific project tutorials (including a coprolite (dino poo) diorama which made me laugh out loud). Each of the tutorials contain step by step instructions, tools and supplies, suggested plants, etc. All of them are liberally and clearly photographed with working assembly photos. The book also includes some thematic party ideas as well as a solid cross-referenced index, links for further reading, bibliography, and an interview style Q&A with the author/contributors (from actual 4th graders).

This would make a really superlative classroom or library book, support activity tie-in to a nature science class, maker's group library, activity group, or family weekend activity. I really enjoyed this one a lot. I liked that the authors used science based language which was also accessible and in a manner which will appeal to kids.

Everyone loves dinosaurs, this is a fun book for all ages.

Five stars.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes

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  • Started reading
  • 1 March, 2020: Finished reading
  • 1 March, 2020: Reviewed