Reviewed by readingwithwrin on

3 of 5 stars

“Are you crazy? Abbie Cooper is an uptight goody two shoes who freaks out if she’s five minutes late for school. Who are you? What did you do with Abbie?”

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I believe this is the second book in a companion/duology series?
I don’t think it is necessary to have read the first one, because I was still able to understand what was going on and who everyone was, because they talked about what happened in the first one and how it affected everything.
Abbie Cooper is an overachiever, and closed off person to everyone besides her friends/family. She has the typical school life where all of the teenagers are trying to get into Ivy League schools, and we all know that means sometimes illegal things go on in order for them to do their best.
Then we also have mean girl Sidney who hates Abbie and wants to ruin her life.
But the real storyline of this whole book is Abbie and “The Avenger”. The Avenger has a photo of Abbie doing something that could get her expelled and looks like she is doing something else as well. It would not only ruin her high school life but stop her from getting into an Ivy League school as well, and the fallout from it could hurt the ones she loves to.As Abbie tries to find out who it is and why there doing it. We also see her fall for Christian a rich boy who is a ladies man and she vowed she would never fall for. I actually liked them as a couple. The balanced each other out. He made Abbie not be so serious all the time and she helped me start caring about family and other important things like that.
"Welcome to slumming it Christian. You're in for an unforgettable ride."
I also really like her friendship she had with Callie and Frances. They all really cared about each other and were there when they needed each other.
Throughout the story we see Abbie change and become more open to people. She asks for help when it was needed and took matters into her own hands when she knew she had to tell her parents what she did.
For me this wasn’t really a psychological thriller. I never really felt scared for Abbie or any of the other characters besides Sidney as we found out why she was so bitter.
I did enjoy this story I just didn’t really like the ending. It felt like the person who was doing it was hardly mentioned in the book at all.

I received an ecopy of this book from Xpress Book Tours in exchange for my honest opinion. Thank You.

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  • Started reading
  • 17 April, 2016: Finished reading
  • 17 April, 2016: Reviewed