Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

I love how K. A. Robinson always managed to get me all worked up with the characters she creates. And she absolutely had me over the edge with Adam. In the fifth book in the Torn Series, Chloe's best friend Amber, and Drake's bandmate, Adam, start a rather unconventional romance that had me calling both characters a few unsavory names a time or two or ten.

Amber and Adam had both been burned in previously relationships. It changed their outlooks on how they wanted to interact with members of the opposite sex. Neither of them wanted to venture into anything that looked like a relationship, because they couldn't trust anyone with their hearts. So when they start their little friends with benefits thing, I had to wonder just how long with this was going to go on, because I knew one or both of them was going to fall. Fall they did, and fall hard, but they were both their own worst enemy when it came to dealing with each other.

Adam felt it was OK for him to sleep with whomever he wanted, but Amber was his and his alone. When he'd find out Amber was with someone, he'd be come the biggest douchebag around and call her horrible names. Eventually he'd apologize and say he didn't mean it. And I would wait to see if he would finally man up and realize what he felt was jealousy because he had strong feeling for Amber herself, not the body part he claimed "called to him."

Of course, Amber was no better. She knew she loved Adam, but wouldn't do anything to change their situation. Instead, she kept the status quo, was hurt when he didn't text her or confessed that he'd been with other women, but ran right back into his arms when he showed up again. And when she basically turned into the female version of Adam.

Through 75% of this book, I wanted to smack, shake and whatever else I could think of doing to one or both of the characters. And when that wasn't enough, I wanted to throw my Kindle. But despite my emotional response, K. A. Robinson had me sucked into the story to the point I was desperate to find out what happened next....even if that meant my precious Kindle was about the fly across the room.

Amber and Adam do get their HEA. It's take a long time for each of them to pull their heads out of their asses to figure it all out. But when they finally did, the solid relationship they had before (because yes, Adam, you were in an eff'ing relationship with Amber) was even stronger.

There's one more band member left, so I'm hoping we get Eric's story. But if the Torn series finishes with Adam and Amber, I'd be happy. It's angsty, emotional, extremely hot and a series I strongly suggest, because Adam is right behind Drake for BBF in this series.

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  • 7 November, 2014: Finished reading
  • 7 November, 2014: Reviewed