Reviewed by Terri M. LeBlanc on

3 of 5 stars

I'm not sure what caught my eye on NetGalley when I came across The Stained Glass Door by John Marvin. This novel is a series of short stories that are linked together. Each one has a different author and each of them tackle a different subject.

The short stories are connected together by their own narrative in a place that distinctly reminds me of what purgatory might be like. The writers are forced to write, share and read each other stories and offer critiques while being guided by the mysterious Ms. Munford.

While I was confused by the linking narrative as it seemed to go no where and didn't reveal much about the narrator or his situation or provide any resolution to the novel as a whole. I did enjoy each short story as they were presented and discussed. Most of the stories elicited a spirited discussion and were concise snapshots within the novel as a whole.

The Stained Glass Door receives a thumbs up. It's takes an anthology of short stories and connects them together in a fashion I haven't experienced before. It was unique to have complete stories connected by a narrative. Even if the narrative left a bit to be desired.

This review was originally posted on Second Run Reviews.

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  • 24 January, 2015: Finished reading
  • 24 January, 2015: Reviewed