Moments of Julian by Keary Taylor

Moments of Julian (The McCain Saga, #2)

by Keary Taylor

It was just a work party, filled with kissing the well-dressed rear ends of clients and fake smiles. Until my boss accused me of something I didn’t do. Until I got pissed and then there was this guy who was hot and flirting with me, and then there were his hands and the backseat of my car and a night of everything but you know what.

I never expected to see him again. But suddenly Julian Dohring is everywhere. And I can’t get over the endless tattoos that cover his arms, how he’s apparently a recovering video game addict, and dresses like he’s ready to walk down the red carpet at any moment.

Ten years ago I made a pledge to stay away from alcohol and sex, and to never get too personal with anyone. It’s gotten me this far. I’m twenty-seven, I have a career I’ve worked my heart and soul into, and more money than I could ever blow on shoes and the finer things in life. My attitude and pride have always been enough to keep any man from getting too interested. Until Julian…who claims I can’t dance, and has the nerve to call me a “peach.”

I’m Sage McCain, and needless to say, Julian has my attention.

Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

4 of 5 stars

Yes. This book has a soapy amount of drama (Sage's backstory, Julian's backstory, the conflict that drives them to realize their love), but it had even more tender-love-and-sweetness. You cannot help but love Julian, another perfect romance novel male, but I appreciated Sage as well. Sage suffered a horrifying life event in high school and decided to channel that pain into becoming a super successful alpha female type. I liked that she did not wallow in self-pity or project weakness. I also adored her family (Can the McCain's adopt me?). What a wonderful, colorful, protective, fun and loving family. The geek in me loved all the nerd talk, and the dance classes were really fun to read about too.

Hey, I am a HEA girl and am a sucker for cute little romance novel.

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  • Started reading
  • 24 July, 2014: Finished reading
  • 24 July, 2014: Reviewed