Reviewed by funstm on

2 of 5 stars

I wasn't quite sure how to rate this book. I really wanted to love it but it just fell flat. And I really wanted to hate it but it drew me in.

The first few chapters of the novel are hard to get into. The writing is all over the place, the story is all over the place. I'm assuming the author wanted to create mystery and intrigue by revealing the story slowly but it just made it hard to read. I liked this intent so I kept reading and the story definitely gets better. The writing improves and there's more a of continuous flow. That being said, the story is still relatively fragmented most of the way through.

The remainder of the book is 50/50. The love triangle is overdone and the love triangle in this story seems to just be there for the sake of being there. The drama relating to this seems to be put in for the sake of drama rather than because it's logical or adds to the story. Isaac is a stupid character. (show spoiler) That being said I read the whole book in one sitting. Although the story was interesting enough to keep me reading, the writing had me riveted. There was something, not magical per say, but intense about the writing that had me feeling the words rather than just seeing them.

But although the writing was good the story left a lot to be desired. Dave was a great character (show spoiler)

As a character Julie annoyed me a lot. For someone who is portrayed as focused and mature, her decisions don't always reflect this and I felt it made her character confusing. Furthermore, her convictions lacked continuity. She was all over the shop for what she wanted and thought and did.

I'm not quite sure if I recommend it but it was definitely an interesting read and it made me think which is always a plus. But it's a deep read so if you're looking for something relaxed and chill this is not it.

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  • 1 January, 2014: Finished reading
  • 1 January, 2014: Reviewed