Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

5 of 5 stars


Awesome. The first word to enter my mind upon completing the premier novel of author Ariel Allison is awesome. Already, I can devotedly tell you I am a fan and cannot wait for more. You better believe that I am going to check out those side novels with the continuing stories of those of which their lives has been touched by the Hope Diamond. Starting this book, I was a little hesitant, and that is completely related to formatting. The font was a different one than I am used to and all was bold text, it was very distracting and I must admit profoundly that I was not a fan. Font and formatting aside. This was a great novel. Going back and forth between facets of history that intersect the life of, what we generally know as, the Hope Diamond and contemporary day to day of Abigail Mitchell. The transitions were incredible and desperately messed up my theory of "DH just let me finish this chapter." Not possible! I was so pulled in. When she would end one segment I was dying to know what would happen next, only to turn the page and find that she changed time periods and went to the other plot. WHAT!? No!! I was ridiculously hysterical and had to keep going.

With all that said, obviously I highly recommend the novel "eye of the god". I cannot wait for more!

*This book was provided for me to review thanks to Abingdon Press, part of Cokesbury.*

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  • 1 October, 2009: Reviewed
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  • 1 October, 2009: Reviewed