The Bungalow Mystery by Carol Keene

The Bungalow Mystery (Nancy Drew mystery stories)

by Carol Keene

While trying to help a friend out of a difficulty, teenage detective Nancy Drew has a perilous experience in and around a deserted bungalow.

Reviewed by Whitney @ First Impressions Reviews on

4 of 5 stars

After their boat capsizing Nancy and her friend Helen are rescued by a young girl Laura. Laura Pendleton, was recently orphaned and is anticipating meeting her new guardian, Jacob Aborn. Something seems rather odd about Jacob especially his fixation on Laura's inherited jewel collection. After Laura escapes from her locked bedroom and flees to Nancy, the young sleuth enlists herself on the case and discovers that not all is as it appears.

Reading these books makes me wish or fantasize that I could be more like Nancy. She's sweet and personable, making friends almost everywhere she goes and dresses smartly in the latest fashion. Her father Carson Drew is a sharp, handsome lawyer including his daughter in all his legal actions. I also adore the 1930s, that snapshot in time has always appealed to me with it's classic movies and music and seems like a simpler time; although, that could be due to Leave It To Beaver reruns. Nancy's latest mystery, The Bungalow Mystery is a very easy, fun read that I thoroughly enjoyed.

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  • 28 November, 2010: Reviewed