Those Who Walk in Darkness by John Ridley

Those Who Walk in Darkness

by John Ridley

In the near future, the world has become home to certain people with amazing genetic structures, giving them powers that make them frighteningly superior to normal humans. Not a typical comic book superhero novel, John Ridley introduces a brave new world of heroes and villains, and shows that there's no such thing as a good guy or a bad guy.

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

3 of 5 stars

Soledad "Bullet" O'Roark is a super-power hunter, taking some of them down with a gun of her own invention. She's a cop with issues and has problems with relationships and her world is such that she keeps trying to connect with someone but no-one likes her life for long enough to stick around and try to make her open up and other members of the team die too often for it to be reasonable for her to date one.

It's an interesting read but somehow it's not quite as interesting as it could be. I didn't really connect with the characters or the situations they were getting into.

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  • 4 August, 2009: Reviewed