Death Match by Lincoln Child

Death Match

by Lincoln Child

A young couple are found dead in their apartment, and double suicide seems to be the only interpretation- Alarm bells ring in the towering Manhattan offices of Eden Incorporated, the high-tech matchmaking company whose spectacular success and legendary secrecy have inspired awe around the world. The Thorpes, few people knew, were more than the quintessential happy couple - they were Eden's first perfect match. Christopher Lash, a gifted former FBI forensic psychologist, receives an urgent plea from Eden to perform a quick - and quiet - investigation into the deaths. Lash's investigation inadvertently dredges up the memories of a searing personal tragedy he has kept at bay for years, and his involvement becomes more personal and dangerous than he could have imagined. When a second Eden 'super-couple' is found dead, Richard Silver, the company's brilliant and reclusive founder, has no choice but to grant Lash unprecedented access to its most guarded secrets-

Reviewed by empressbrooke on

4 of 5 stars

Death Match is about a matchmaking company that uses an advanced computer system to make sophisticated matches based on thousands of factors. Six couples in the history of the company have been "super couples" with a 100% match. Christopher Lash, a former FBI profiler and current private psychologist, is called in when one of these super couples ends up dead, victims of a double-suicide.

I definitely saw where the story was going, and even though it was predictable, and not entirely an original concept, it was a very enjoyable read. Child keeps things moving along at the perfect pace, dropping hints and details at just the right intervals.

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  • Started reading
  • 1 October, 2007: Finished reading
  • 1 October, 2007: Reviewed