Outpost by W. Michael Gear

Outpost (Donovan, #1)

by W. Michael Gear

From the bestselling co-author of the People novels comes a riveting science fiction adventure on a planet with danger around every corner

Donovan is a world of remarkable wealth, a habitable paradise of a planet. It sounds like a dream come true. But Donovan's wealth comes at a price.

When the ship Turalon arrives in orbit, Supervisor Kalico Aguila discovers a failing colony, its government overthrown and the few remaining colonists now gone wild. Donovan offers the chance of a lifetime, one that could leave her the most powerful woman in the solar system. Or dead.

Planetside, Talina Perez is one of three rulers of the Port Authority colony—the only law left in the one remaining town on Donovan. With the Corporate ship demanding answers about the things she's done in the name of survival, Perez could lose everything, including her life.

For Dan Wirth, Donovan is a last chance. A psychopath with a death sentence looming over his head, he can't wait to set foot on Port Authority. He will make one desperate play to grab a piece of the action—no matter who he has to corrupt, murder, or destroy.

Captain Max Taggart has been The Corporation's "go-to" guy when it comes to brutal enforcement. As the situation in Port Authority deteriorates, he'll be faced with tough choices to control the wild Donovanians. Only Talina Perez stands in his way.

Just as matters spiral out of control, a ghost ship, the Freelander, appears in orbit. Missing for two years, she arrives with a crew dead of old age, and reeks of a bizarre death-cult ritual that deters any ship from attempting a return journey. And in the meantime, a brutal killer is stalking all of them, for Donovan plays its own complex and deadly game. The secrets of which are hidden in Talina Perez's very blood.

Reviewed by shannonmiz on

4 of 5 stars

You can find the full review and all the fancy and/or randomness that accompanies it at It Starts at Midnight

I liked it! I did! It was delightfully dark, and really a pretty great portrayal of what a fight for power might look like on a new planet. I liked most of the things about the book, so we're going to go ahead with a likes/dislikes!

Things I Liked:

  • New planet!! Did I mention that I liked new, uncharted planets before? Of course I did. Spoiler: I still do. And the awesome part is that the people of the new planet had to actually fight to stay alive. It makes sense, really. Imagine if you're dumped onto a world you have no knowledge of? You don't know the climate, the creatures, what is safe or unsafe, etc. There's going to be a huge learning curve, especially coming from the relative comfort of Earth. I liked that a lot. I was a little confused by some of the creatures at first, but it did become much easier to figure out. And they were pretty damn cool, tbh.

  • The characters were so freaking badass. Some by nature, sure, but some because the only choice was to deal with it or die. The story is told from several points of view, but Talina is our main Donovanian. And while she is a super tough woman, she has plenty of flaws that can hinder her goals. I liked that toughness and strength of spirit didn't equal perfection, not with any of the characters. Some, like Shig, another Donovanian, were much more peace seeking. Shig was one of my faves, because he was very thoughtful- and his intelligence and wisdom was so necessary.
    "Ultimately, government and hypocrisy become synonymous"

    Not all the characters are awesome- in fact, some are downright horrible. But... that's life, right? I liked that there were some people who were just straight up real assholes. You know, the type for whom you assume there is no chance of redemption? Because we know these people, in all societies. Some of our societies elected these people. Which leads me to the next point....

  • The governing of this planet? Such a mess. A delightfully authentic mess. So much is relevant now, but honestly, it's always been relevant. People fighting for power, people who have no idea what they are getting themselves into throwing their hats into the ring, all in the name of control. Egos have more weight than knowledge and reason, and no one wants to give up their leadership. This is all too true on Earth, so it makes sense that it would be this way on a smaller scale on Donovan, too.

  • There's another verrrryyy creepy and dark part of the story that I have no intentions on spoiling, but it is morbidly fascinating and I want to know all the things. Also, it involves space. So if that is your kind of thing, I recommend.

  • The atmosphere of the whole book was on point. It was bleak and hard but then there were uplifting times- not many, but enough that it made life seem worth it. The planet was fascinating, yet cutthroat, and the author did a great job of painting it as such.

What I Didn't Like:

  • It felt long. This is my biggest qualm, really. Like I said, I knew that it wasn't the Goodreads-stated 336 pages, but it still took me longer than usual to finish. Not because I wasn't interested; I was. But some parts felt even slower, like the pacing was a bit off.

  • While I liked the characters, I would have liked to have felt a bit more connected to them, especially Talina. I think part of it was because she doesn't really let anyone in, but I would have felt more for her if I felt a bigger connection.

Will I Read the Sequel: Absolutely! I need to know what happens next, and the whole space-mystery thing, and everything.

Bottom Line: Dark and gritty, this book shows both the best and worst sides of humanity, all while being emotional and thought-provoking.

*Copy provided for review

**Quote taken from uncorrected proof, subject to change

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  • Started reading
  • 9 January, 2018: Finished reading
  • 9 January, 2018: Reviewed