Reviewed by tweetybugshouse on

5 of 5 stars

This story has evolved so much from book one and i have come to love all the characters especially the relationship between Emma and Kade. Dom is just as hilarious and crazy as he been throughout the series. As i read through the book i tweeted with cameo so if you want to check those out i used the #Wingsofvengeance they are quite funny and cameo retweeted them. The story follows along just as you expect it to with Emma getting her self in more and more danger and this time her friends as well. She gets to really come into her own and the things she can do with her wings wow i need a pair. Cameo has not disappointed me at all with this story and glad she gave us one more book.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 26 January, 2016: Finished reading
  • 26 January, 2016: Reviewed