Reviewed by thebookdisciple on

4 of 5 stars

This book was heartbreaking, frustrating, and adorable. Samantha is so relatable-a girl with no self worth who is in love with an arrogant jerk who totally uses her. Its easy to see that from the outside, so I find myself yelling at Samantha for being so blind to Cam's awful treatment. But, then I realize I was her at one time. Cam and Roni were just awful. Roni is the quintessential mean girl and doesn't even try to hide it. Axel is the dream. He is what every girl like Samantha hopes they can find but will never feel good enough for. And Ellie is hands down one of my favorite book characters. She is the best and I wish I had an Ellie in my life!
There were parts of the book where the writing/word choice was not to my liking but this was minimal (and probably just me being pedantic). Also, there were times when I felt the book was a little redundant (I get it, Sam love Cam, Sam is his anchor, blah blah.).
This book will give you the feels for sure. Especially if, like me, you can relate to Samantha on a very real level.

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  • Started reading
  • 23 July, 2015: Finished reading
  • 23 July, 2015: Reviewed