Reviewed by funstm on

4 of 5 stars

Even though I've been looking for years, I've never managed to track down all 30 of the Teen Power Inc series. I really hope at some point these are released in ebook format. Or reprinted as paperbacks. I'm not really fussed but I would definitely like to read all of them in some format. Still over the years I've read a great many of them and have recently been rereading the ones I have. (And scouring auctions and used bookstores for missing copies.)

Anyway Teen Power Inc is brilliant. They're lighthearted mysteries featuring a cast of six teenagers who start their own odd job business to earn money. Each book is narrated by a different character. There's Liz who is the mother hen. She is passionate about equality and fairness and helping others. Her best friend is Sunny who is super sporty. She spends a lot of her time exercising and attending taekwondo and gymnastic classes. Tom is the class clown of the group, always ready with a joke and his sketchpad. Elmo is the reporter. He joins the group in the first novel, when the gang accept a job as the new delivery people for the Pen (the local newspaper) that Elmo's father owns. Nick is described as being "cool". He's always ready with the right words and the charm. And last of all is Richelle who is the fashionista and kind of an airhead. Each book focuses on the adventures and mysteries the group fall into when they start a new job.

The Sorcerer's Apprentice is narrated by Tom. Tom is the jokester of the group but his point of view shows us that he's also got a sensitive side. His parents are divorced and he lives with his mother, stepdad and two half brothers. His stepdad and Tom clash a lot - Brian (the stepdad) is a bit uptight and tries to force Tom to be more rule abiding. But Tom is a bit of a free spirit - he sketches and jokes and can't be confined by the box.

This time the gang have two jobs they need to divvy up. One is paying double money for two people to look after a young boy whose parents think is an angel but is really a devil in disguise. The other is helping a local magician, Sid, clean out his old wares. Tom has heard many stories about the kid who is in his brother's year level and refuses to babysit. Plus he loves the magic shop and spent lots of time in there growing up. He happily takes the job cleaning and even starts to revitalise the failing business. The other's are happy with double pay although they soon come to regret it.

In the meantime, Raven Hill is being threatened by the Gripper - a vicious mugger. The streets of Raven Hill are becoming dangerous to walk at night and Tom finds himself caught up in the mystery when his mother is attacked and catches a glimpse of the attacker. Tom sketches what his mother saw and is soon putting the clues together - accidentally stumbling on the guilty party.

The mystery is really good and there were a lot of twists I didn't see coming. For a middle grade novel they're surprisingly deep. Well it's a cross between middle grade and young adult whatever you call that. I love all the characters and enjoyed them piecing together the clues. 4 stars from me. 4.5 for the target audience. I can't wait to read the next one.

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  • 12 April, 2018: Reviewed