Reviewed by leelu92 on

4 of 5 stars

4.5 stars
This one took me surprise.  I think because it's a novella, I underestimated the emotional punch it could deliver.  I am a fan of this whole series and Laura Kaye (I'm kicking myself for not getting books signed by Ms. Kaye when I was at Book Bash)

What was so great about this story?  Easy.  I mean, Edward "Easy" Cantrell.  I thought I loved Shane and Nick but Easy is giving them quite a run for their money.  Talk about a man carrying around survivor's guilt...Easy is carrying around a lot of it.

Easy and Jenna came into each other's lives at the perfect time.  Jenna needed to feel protected and Easy provided that for her immediately.  I loved how they connected so easily and deeply.  I think they gave each other exactly what they needed, exactly WHEN they needed it.  Easy was dealing with an untreated case of PTSD and Jenna had it too after surviving her ordeal, so they understood each other.
That she'd found solace in him- a man who had no solace for himself- was the sweetest fucking thing he could ever remember experiencing.  and it made him feel strong in a way he hadn't in what seemed like forever.

I caught myself sighing a lot because of how Jenna needs Easy and he completely surrenders himself to her and what she needs.  So sweet. If you haven't picked this one up yet, do yourself a favor and get it!  For two reasons:

1.  It's just a really, really great story.

2. Ms. Kaye is donating the first 2 weeks of her proceeds to a  to a national non-profit organization that assists wounded veterans as they transition to civilian life. So you have until September 1 to buy it and help contribute!


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This review was originally posted on Straight Shootin' Book Reviews

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  • Started reading
  • 28 August, 2014: Finished reading
  • 28 August, 2014: Reviewed