Never Been Ready by J L Berg

Never Been Ready (Ready)

by J L Berg

Starts with one night.

Swearing off love, Leah Morgan finds no harm in one night of unbridled, mind-blowing fun. After all, what could go wrong with a single night of amazing heat and passion? Leah just never expected it to be so right. The memories of Declan James' mesmerizing gaze and searing touch still invade her every thought.

And now, one night is not nearly enough--for either of them.

But when Declan's past comes barreling back, neither one of them are ready for what entails. Together, they're forced to face their fears as old insecurities try to rip them apart. Can what they've created withstand what they thought they'd never be ready for?

Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

5 of 5 stars

4.5 Stars

I wasn't sure, when Declan was introduced in WHEN YOU'RE READY if I was going to like. Turns out I loved him and he and Leah together. They were absolutely perfect for one another. Each helping the other let go of the past and discovering just what they wanted in the future.

If you like Marie Force, definitely pick up one of JL Berg's books. She writes some delicious heroes who, when they fall, fall hard and fast for their perfect match.

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  • Started reading
  • 19 March, 2014: Finished reading
  • 19 March, 2014: Reviewed