Rowan Crochet Workshop by Emma Seddon

Rowan Crochet Workshop

by Emma Seddon

This title covers everything you need to know to master crochet. It includes full colour step-by-step photography, thorough techniques, and comprehensive workshops. It includes professional tips from Rowan - Britain's foremost yarn company.For more than a decade Rowan, Britain's foremost yarn company, has been running highly successful workshops at all levels of experience. Their teaching skills and methods have been honed by the responses and questions of their readers and customers. "Rowan Crochet Workshop" is a distillation of this experience into a series of technique-based classes. Demonstrated with full colour step-by-step photography, the techniques are effective, simply and clearly explained. Each workshop includes projects based on the experience gained at that point and the construction of the workshops allows crocheters to both learn new techniques and to refresh their memory of techniques learned earlier.

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  • 8 March, 2013: Reviewed