Bubbles Unbound by Sarah Strohmeyer

Bubbles Unbound

by Sarah Strohmeyer

Against all odds, Bubbles Yablonsky has returned to school, but while on her way to journalism school, she happens upon a crime scene and finds herself drawn into a murder investigation.

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

3 of 5 stars

Many friends suggested the Bubbles series and I took the opportunity recently to try it out, starting at the beginning. It was very enjoyable.

Bubbles is a hairdresser, she's also got a model's figure and she's blonde. She also has taken the opportunity offered her by her ex-husband trying to take away her allowance (after her supporting him throughout his courses to become a lawyer) by inventively doing as many courses as she can in the local community college. She thinks that she's found her role in life in the Journalism course, but she's still doing hair in Sandy's House of Beauty, after all she does have a daughter to support.

She gets drawn into a murder with the delectable Steve Stiletto, and her vow of celibacy and her very life is in danger. The variety of characters that she meets during the story are quite well drawn and many of them quite believable.

It owes a lot to Janet Evanovich but is quite a fun read. It kept me enthralled throughout. The Twists that the story took weren't very unexpected but did add to the enjoyment and kept it from being stale.

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  • Started reading
  • 7 October, 2007: Finished reading
  • 7 October, 2007: Reviewed