Reviewed by Romance Schmomance on

2 of 5 stars

I really wanted to like this book, I really did. But it didn't quite work for me. I've read a few of Valente's previous work and loved those, but this one didn't click with me as I hoped it would.

Valente does a solid job with her writing and manages to keep things flowing very smoothly. I couldn't connect with the characters and story, itself. There were some moments that seemed so odd to have.

Like many, I'm a fan of second chance romances, when two fall so deeply in love and something happens, flash forward to a few years later. I love learning what happens in that time apart, the pain they have to work through to get back to each other again. If anything, I appreciate the journey.

Addie and Nate first meet when their teenagers on a summer of freedom and fun. Both with obligations and catering to their parents wants and needs, they keep their relationship a secret from them. Addie is so young and innocent at sixteen, while Nate is soon to head off to college. Well, they both are, Addie is an extremely smart girl who skipped a couple of grades.

Once it gets closer to the end of summer, their love for each other is evident, but things happen and they parted ways on not so great of terms.

Now it's present time and fate brings them back together. A lot of questions need to be answered and so many other things need to be said between Addie and Nate.

I guess in some stories we see this a lot now when something happens in their teenage years that dictate how their adult life ends up. I felt for Addie a little, she endured so much at such a young age that Nate couldn't quite amount to. But once we see adult Addie, girlllllll, you have to stand up for yourself a bit more. Can't be a doormat, girly. Nate, well I wish he tried harder to find her.

Some of my favorite moments were the texting scenes, they're quite hilarious and the connection these characters had are kind of crazy.

I'm still a fan of Valente's work, but this one didn't quite hit it out of the ballpark for me.

Goodreads Rating | 2 Stars ( It was ok.)
My Rating | 3 Stars!

**ARC provided for honest review**


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  • Started reading
  • 12 February, 2017: Finished reading
  • 12 February, 2017: Reviewed