Reviewed by inlibrisveritas on

4 of 5 stars

The God Butcher has made his mark on the universe and now has most of the gods enslaved on his world. They toll day and night to build something called a Godbomb, and it isn’t until Thor arrives that things start getting shaken up (of course…). This has turned into an pretty epic storyline, with thankfully little to no filler issues thus far.

Gorr is an awesome nemsis. He questioned the right of the Gods and wants the people of the universe to be able to stand on their own without them…which sounds fairly reasonable, given that Thor has screwed some stuff up just by being on Earth. However it’s coming from a dark and selfish place, and it’s more of a “you ignored my pleas, so now I’ll get rid of you” kind of thing. Thor (present) is having a bit of trouble with this one and we finally get to see the three timelines in this series converge bringing all three versions of Thor together.

We do get to meet Thor’s granddaughters who I find somewhat hilarious, and it was nice to have them along since they brought a bit of humor to the mix. Though three Thors were humorous in the amount of snark older Thor gives the younger two.

Overall it’s a solid storyline for Thor in my opinion, and I can’t wait to share my thoughts for the next volume which includes the well known baddie Malekith.

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  • Started reading
  • 4 October, 2014: Finished reading
  • 4 October, 2014: Reviewed