Reviewed by leelu92 on

4 of 5 stars

4.5 stars!
As I was setting up this post, I was on Ms. Bell's webpage. As soon as it loaded, I noticed the tag line "Where Smart Meets Sexy" and I was like... YES!! This is exactly how I felt about this author and this book. I believe I have one other of Ms. Bell's books on my TBR list but I can assure you that I will be reading everything I can get my hands on. I love her writing style and her characters.

For one thing, she wrote a female character that was not full of issues. She certainly had some reasons to be full of them but Mira was quite well adjusted. I've tired a bit of female characters that have so many problems from childhood or a previous relationship, that she constantly goes back and forth. Mira was smart, independent and I really liked her. She was a really great mom to her son, Sam and he was a great kid character.

Jake. Jake has plenty of reasons to have issues and yet I loved him. I felt like his issues were handled quite realistically and I really enjoyed reading about his transition into life post amputation. He really didn't feel like he was any use to anyone else until he found out he was a father to a seven year old boy. And it isn't completely easy sailing once he finds out that Sam is his and I appreciated the evolution of Jake. He went from a guy who had no idea what to do with himself to a man who was a father and so much more. I mean how do you lose 3/4 of your leg and get back to running? Much less absorbing a seven year running up to you and hugging you? And then there How in the world? Everything gets redefined. But the chemistry and sexy times between Mira and Jake were HOT and even though Jake was kind of figuring things out and adjusting as he went, it was still really freaking hot and passionate.

The connection that Jake and Mira had was undeniable from the first time they were together and it easily transcended to 8 years later.

There was another noise she'd made, when he'd first kissed her. When his lips had only grazed hers, before the full intensity of the chemistry had registered with him. Barely more than a sigh, something like relief. Yes. This.

He'd felt that, too. As if they'd been waiting. Years.

I have to say that this book totally ate my brain. I did not want to put it down and I cannot wait to dig into more of Ms. Bell's books.

Straight Shootin' Book Reviews

Copy for review provided by NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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  • 12 June, 2014: Finished reading
  • 12 June, 2014: Reviewed