Love Water Memory by Jennie Shortridge

Love Water Memory

by Jennie Shortridge

A bittersweet masterpiece filled with longing and hope, Jennie Shortridge's emotional novel explores the raw, tender complexities of relationships and personal identity.

Who is Lucie Walker? Even Lucie herself can't answer that question after she comes to, confused and up to her knees in the chilly San Francisco Bay. Back home in Seattle, she adjusts to life with amnesia, growing unsettled by the clues she finds to the selfish, carefully guarded person she used to be. Will she ever fall in love with her handsome, kindhearted fiance, Grady? Can he devote himself to the vulnerable, easygoing Lucie 2.0, who is so unlike her controlling former self? When Lucie learns that Grady has been hiding some very painful secrets that could change the course of their relationship, she musters the courage to search for the shocking, long-repressed childhood memories that will finally set her free.

Reviewed by Romance Schmomance on

4 of 5 stars

This was an extremely different book for me to read, but very refreshing. I wouldn't necessarily say that it should be 100% classified as a romance because it's much more than that. When I first read the synopsis before signing up, I was very intrigued by the story line. I'd admit that the pace was a bit slow (for me), I guess I'm just so use to storylines happening so quickly. This is not one of those reads, if you're expecting that, turn right the other way.

We have Lucie Walker, who has a fresh start, but it comes with a lot of turmoil and emotions from her past. After being found in San Francisco Bay with zero memory of how or why she's there, she has to somehow figure out what got her there. Learning quickly that she has a fiancé (and of course, no memory of him as well), she hopes that he can be the key to bringing all of her memory back. But it's not that easy!

And Grady, bless his heart. Not only do we get to witness Lucie's struggle to remember and her journey to get there, but we see Grady gradually overcome his struggles with not just himself, but also losing his father.

Their "new" relationship to me is a bit awkward, Lucie just ganders around and Grady doesn't know how to take it. The way that Lucie is now, definitely wasn't that way before. And to me, it was ALWAYS something to remember, I kept questing and saying "why is this weird?!". She lost her memory, she had NO idea how she was before. But pieces of her past scattered around helps her realize that she was a rather shut-off person, maybe uptight is another word for it. Grady has trouble accepting his "new" fiancée, ultimate question, can he still love her? Will Lucie be able to gain all of her memory back and remember her love for Grady?

Lucie goes through SO MUCH to learn about her past and why she lost her memory. And it's so damn emotional, to me the pace was slow, but I also took that like, moments like this (where she needs to remember) it simply can't be rushed. As a reader, I needed to really understand what was going on, to feel exactly what she was feeling. We have to sit and absorb. Such raw emotions. I promise, you won't even believe what she ends up learning ... (I wish I could say more). But what she does, it explains why she was the way she was pre-accident.

If you're looking for a steamy romance, that's not what you'll get here. But it's a compelling and emotional story that I think most readers will enjoy.





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  • Started reading
  • 18 January, 2014: Finished reading
  • 18 January, 2014: Reviewed