When the Women Come Out to Dance by Elmore Leonard

When the Women Come Out to Dance

by Elmore Leonard

Raylan Givens is a US martial, but he used to work in the mines, digging coal for a living. He had a friend there who's also changed his business: he now heads up a neo-Nazi group that is threatening to get out of control. When they come head to head, Raylan has to decide how far he'll go in pursuit of justice...Elmore Leonard's brilliant novella WHEN THE WOMEN COME OUT TO DANCE heads up a fiery collection of the master's shorter fiction, all published in book form for the first time.

Reviewed by jamiereadthis on

5 of 5 stars

Every time I read this— which is a lot, a lot— there’s another familiar face I’m thrilled to see. It’s like family. And while I’ve always got this handy to flip to whatever story I feel like, now and then, I just have to get all the kids together and read it front to back. This time, it was “Hurrah for Capt. Early” that grabbed me more than it has before.

Damn, these stories are the best. The best.

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May 2010: Mmm-hmmm.

Felt like taking this everywhere with me today and for the record that’s never a bad idea. Also for the record, favorites are “The Tonto Woman,” “Tenkiller” (Ben Webster!), and (of course) “Fire In The Hole.”

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  • Started reading
  • 28 September, 2013: Finished reading
  • 28 September, 2013: Reviewed