Reviewed by Eve1972 on

4 of 5 stars


When Fallon McQueen arrives home and finds Santa Claus cuffing a man in front of her house she just knows things are going to get interesting. And when Santa sheds his suit, what is underneath is DEFINETLY interesting.

Jack Cooper is tired of the big city and being a cop. He's retired and plans on not having a plan. When he stops a deadbeat from breaking and entering, he's just doing one last good deed before he heads into the sunset.

When the leggy blonde he helps offers him a deal, pretend to be her boyfriend at her ex-husbands' wedding and get a free vacation to wine country, he finds himself agreeing. When pretend turns to more, can a woman weary of love, and a man without a plan, get their HEA?

This was a super sweet little festive novella. It was actually quite humorous and had me laughing out loud on a few occasions. Both characters were likable as well.

Fallon annoyed me a bit at first because she came across a bit bitchy, but it wasn't long before I warmed up to her. I wish she would have stood up for herself a little sooner with her Mom and her ex, and the townspeople. Jack was a sweetheart and I really liked him for the most part. I had one tiny issue in that he lacked personality for me. I can't really put my finger on what it was, but something just felt off with his character. To me, he sounded a lot like Fallon (if that makes sense), like his character didn't have a distinct personality and either character could have been saying the words and I wouldn't have noticed a difference.

Hopefully, that makes sense. In any case, it wasn't such a distracter for me that it lessened my enjoyment overall. So two thumbs up from yours truly.

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  • Started reading
  • 12 November, 2016: Finished reading
  • 12 November, 2016: Reviewed