Mum On The Run by Fiona Gibson

Mum On The Run

by Fiona Gibson

The hilarious romantic comedy from the Sunday Times bestseller – perfect for fans of Gill Sims

Laura Swan was dreading the school sports day mums’ race – but whoever would have thought it could be quite so life-changing?

Sports Day at her children's school is a nightmare for Laura because of the event she dreads – the Mums' Race. She knows the other mothers have been in training for at least three months – even though they're trying to pretend that they haven't. Laura's vowed never to take part, but the morning of the School Sports Day she makes a fatal error and promises her daughter that if she eats her Rice Crispies, she will run. With no escape, Laura is forced to take part and as she moves towards her inevitable humiliation, she is horrified to spot her husband Jed flirting with Celeste the delectable French girl who works with him.

Determined to put up a fight and to show Jed there is still plenty of spice left in their marriage, Laura decides it is time to give her body the work out it has been desperately crying out for. But when Laura makes a special new friend at the running club that she has joined, she gets much more than she bargained for.

From buying sexy lingerie displayed alongside the gherkins at Tesco to struggling into the last playsuit in Topshop, this novel is full of humour and Laura is a true heroine for our times. A sparkling, witty novel, that fizzes off the page.

Reviewed by Leah on

4 of 5 stars

Laura Swan is the type of mum who hates her kids sports day, mainly because after having three kids, her body just isn’t what it used to be. But after promising her daughter Grace she’d participate in the Mum’s Run, Laura finds herself utterly embarrassed after falling during the race, not least because her husband Jed was there to witness it with his sexy new colleague Celeste. Vowing to not be humiliated like that again, Laura joins a tub-club and meets Danny, who she finds herself clicking with. As they both take up running together, Laura finds herself questioning her marriage and how she and Jed have ended up in a such a rut. Can they work through their problems or will Laura end up running away from their marriage for good?

Since reading Lucky Girl in early 2009, I’ve become quite the fan of Fiona’s work. But because her earlier books aren’t so easy to get, I’ve still only read the one book, so I was thrilled beyond words when I saw Mum on the Run up on Amazon one day, and was desperate to read it. I managed to wangle myself a review copy and with the release date around the corner, I found the perfect time to finally pick it up.

The first thing I’d like to say is that despite how much I enjoyed it, Mum on the Run is a fairly typical run-of-the-mill Chick Lit novel. Yes, I managed to complete it in a day but it is fairly similar to other Chick Lit novels I’ve read in the past. The plot is one you see many times, after having a couple of kids (or in Laura’s case, three) the main character isn’t as slim as she used to be, there’s a new woman on the scene catching the eye of her husband and she goes on a diet of some sort to try and win him back. Very familiar. Not to mention, the obligatory nicer man who in this case is the loveable Danny. So although the plot itself didn’t grab me, and wasn’t as unique as Lucky Girl, I actually did like the book. It might have been a run-of-the-mill plot but Gibson’s writing style still makes it hard to put down.

The official synopsis says Laura is a heroine for the decade (or something similar) and I do agree with that, kind of. It’s very hard to judge who the heroine of a decade will be before the decade is over, but I loved Laura. Right from the shambles that was sports day when she made an absolute fool of herself, I was captivated. She’s definitely a character you root for, and boy was I rooting for her. It took me a while to warm to Jed, her husband, because he seemed very distant and into the new colleague of his, but I think overall he wasn’t a bad person, he just let someone new and shiny take over his brain for a while. I loved Laura and Jed’s kids, Finn, Grace and Toby, all three had such wonderful personalities and Gibson really excels at making her kids in her novels believable. I must admit, I kinda fell for Danny, Laura’s running partner, he was just so sweet and kind and I could see why Laura was friendly with him.

I must admit, as someone who doesn’t yet have kids and won’t for probably some time, if ever, I do usually find it hard to get into mumsy-type stories because I don’t truly know what it’s like to be a mother. But Gibson does a wonderful job of selling motherhood (or rather, putting me off for life) and it comes across in a very believable way, in a way that lets childless people like myself know exactly what it takes to be a mother. It definitely seems like a thankless task, being a mother, I have to say. Mum on the Run is told from Laura’s point of view, which was brilliant, and worked very well especially as it made us more sympathetic to Laura’s life and how much it’s stagnated since she had kids. I thoroughly enjoyed the book, despite the plot I’ve read many times before as Gibson is definitely able to put her own spin on the matter and her writing abilities are brilliant and she manages to capture family life perfectly. I really hope this is the first of many new novels from Fiona Gibson as I love her books.

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  • 25 January, 2011: Reviewed