To Know a Starry Night by Paul Bogard, Beau Rogers

To Know a Starry Night

by Paul Bogard and Beau Rogers

Against a backdrop rich with purples, blues, and shades of black, a blaze of stars glittering across a vast empty sky spurs our curiosity about the past, driving us inevitably to ponder the future. For millennia, the night sky has been a collective canvas for our stories, maps, traditions, beliefs, and discoveries. Over the course of time, continents have formed and eroded, sea levels have risen and fallen, the chemistry of our atmosphere has changed, and yet the daily cycle of light to dark has remained pretty much the same . . . until the last 100 years." - Karen Trevino, from the foreword

No matter where we live, what language we speak, or what culture shapes our worldview, there is always the night. The darkness is a reminder of the ebb and flow, of an opportunity to recharge, of the movement of time. But how many of us have taken the time to truly know a starry night? To really know it.

Combining the lyrical writing of Paul Bogard with the stunning night-sky photography of Beau Rogers, To Know a Starry Night explores the powerful experience of being outside under a natural starry sky--how important it is to human life, and how so many people don't know this experience. As the night sky increasingly becomes flooded with artificial-light pollution, this poignant work helps us reconnect with the natural darkness of night, an experience that now, in our time, is fading from our lives.

Reviewed by annieb123 on

4 of 5 stars

Originally posted on my blog: Nonstop Reader.

To Know a Starry Night is an often breathtaking photographic ode to the night sky and darkness in its myriad colors written by Paul Bogard and featuring photographs by Beau Rogers. Released 12th Oct 2021 by the University of Nevada Press, it's 144 pages and is available in hardcover and ebook formats.

The written parts of the book are gathered very loosely into 8 thematic meandering essays. The author explores light pollution, the primal satisfaction and awe of true darkness (mostly lost to us now), solitude, heavenly bodies, and stars, always the stars, so distant. Really though, it's the breathtaking skyscapes which are center stage here, both varied and similar and of an unusual virtuosity. The themes are universal, but the photos are weighted to the western contiguous USA: California, Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, Montana, Washington, and Oregon.

Four stars. This is a beautifully curated coffee-table worthy collection of masterful photos of the night sky. Although the quality of the digital eARC provided for review was high quality, this is a book which will shine brightest in physical print. This would be a good selection for library acquisition, home library display, or a lovely gift for an outdoors-y friend.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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  • 2 November, 2021: Reviewed