Parallel by Lauren Miller


by Lauren Miller

A collision of parallel universes leaves 18-year-old Abby Barnes living in a new version of her life every day, and she must race to control her destiny without losing the future she planned and the boy she loves.

Reviewed by Amber on

4 of 5 stars

Fuck that ending. I'm just sitting here crying. Send help.


This book distressed me greatly *sobs* Especially the ending

I'm not sure if you know this, but I'm telling you now anyway: I adore parallel universe/multi-verse/time travel stuff. Much like Christina from A Reader of Fictions. It all really intrigues me, and I love thinking that it's a possibility with our own universe and not just in fiction. How cool would it be to discover a parallel universe? Of course, it wouldn't be cool if that universe declared war on us, or if it collides with ours and changes our lives like the parallel universe did in Parallel.

Full review on Books of Amber.

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  • 11 May, 2013: Finished reading
  • 11 May, 2013: Reviewed