Reviewed by thebookdisciple on

3 of 5 stars

I wanted to LOVE this book. I love how unique and different Trish and Max are. However, it comes across as a bit like a hipster joke. You know, I was _______ before it was cool. Trish's backstory is super sad and you feel for her. But, I also struggled with how she never let anyone in. How she expected to have a relationship with Max when she wouldn't tell him a single thing? And to be honest, she was kind of a bitch frequently. So, why 3 stars?
1. I love the supporting characters that you have gotten to know in the previous books.
2. Trish was a very broken character that you felt for
3. Max is the most amazing person in the world.

What I didn't really like
1. Geez the angst is a bit much (and I don't typically mind angst!)
2. Trish's treatment of Max was difficult to read. She was so closed off and it really felt like she was stringing him along because she wouldn't tell him WHY she was the way she was.
3. Did I mention the angst? It bears mentioning again.

I love Chelsea's writing. If you are looking for a super angsty YA/NA read that isn't all about sex, you will like this book. Perhaps my rating would be different if I was more in the mood for an angsty read?? This might be one I revisit later with that thought in mind.
Rating: 3.5 Stars
Heat: 1.5

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  • Started reading
  • 19 August, 2015: Finished reading
  • 19 August, 2015: Reviewed