Well this didn't really go where I thought it was going to. This book focused more on Karma herself and her inner strength. It wasn't bad, I didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I might. (show spoiler)[ Especially because it seemed like Karma just kept getting beat down. I guess I kind of would've liked to see her fight back on her own and get one up on the bad guys. One thing I really enjoyed about the first one was the humour and sarcasm and this one lacked that quirkiness to a certain degree. Karma and Fate are still dancing around each other. Don't get the attraction. He's not as much of an ass but he still isn't exactly endearing. I would've liked to see more interaction with Kitty before everything went down. And there wasn't much Paddy or the door guards. Fingers crossed there'll be more of them in the next one. The Jinxes were awesome though. They certainly know how to play hardball. Tracker anyone? ] (hide spoiler)