Reviewed by funstm on

I refuse to rate this book. Here's the thing, the author has made me too angry with all the drama to bother. Because all the drama makes me want to rate one. But the rating system isn't about likes or dislikes or anger towards the author, it's about the damn book and if it's good and worth reading. And it shits me to say it is.

Alexei was a horrible abberation with a lacklustre plot, editing and romance but Kostya, having been, I assume written before Alexei (and I do think that is the case for whatever reason not releasing it was) was a much better written coherent story, the likes of which Roxie Rivera has been known for. Of course, it's been way too long since I actually cared about this series so I had only vague memories of what the hell was going on with the gang war and it didn't make sense because I forgot that Alexei was originally set after. But I liked finally knowing Kostya and Holly's story.

So yeah.

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  • 13 December, 2019: Reviewed