The Kiss Quotient by Helen Hoang

The Kiss Quotient (The Kiss Quotient, #1)

by Helen Hoang

Goodread's Romance Book of the Year, 2018

A Washington Post Book of the Year, 2018
An AmazonBook of the Year, 2018
Cosmopolitan's 33 Books to Get Excited About in 2018
Elle Best Summer Reads 2018


A heartwarming and refreshing debut novel that proves one thing: there's not enough data in the world to predict what will make your heart tick.

It's high time for Stella Lane to settle down and find a husband - or so her mother tells her. This is no easy task for a wealthy, successful woman like Stella, who also happens to have Asperger's. Analyzing data is easy; handling the awkwardness of one-on-one dates is hard. To overcome her lack of dating experience, Stella decides to hire a male escort to teach her how to be a good girlfriend.

Faced with mounting bills, Michael decides to use his good looks and charm to make extra cash on the side. He has a very firm no repeat customer policy, but he's tempted to bend that rule when Stella approaches him with an unconventional proposal.

The more time they spend together, the harder Michael falls for this disarming woman with a beautiful mind, and Stella discovers that love defies logic.

Heart-tugging, sexy and utterly joyful - The Kiss Quotient is a book for anyone who has been in love, or in lust...

Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

5 of 5 stars

Do you ever enjoy a book so much that you are dying to pick it back up and finish, but you want the perfect uninterrupted time to do it? I read this in two sittings. The first until I knew if I didn't stop I'd be a zombie in the morning, and the following evening as soon as my hubby's basketball game was turned on. The premise of this story was refreshing and at first, made me a tad nervous.

Stella is an econometrician who loves all things math and has Aspergers. Having a son with the disorder made me understand this sweet, driven woman. Her work is her obsession, it makes her happy, but her mother wants grandbabies and is determined to set her up.

When a male co-worker makes a remark that rings too close to the truth about Stella's intimacy issues, she decides to hire a male escort to teach her about sexual intimacy. Her own sexual experience was downright horrible and she tackles this analytically.

"Girls like me have never been asked out by a single boy. Girls like me have to find their own way, make their own luck. I've had to fight for every success in my life, and I'm going to fight for this. I'm going to get good at sex, and then I'll finally be able to entice the right person into being mine."

My nervousness stemmed from the said escort. This isn't a scenario I particularly enjoy, but Hoang gave me a character I instantly swooned over. Michael Phan a Swedish-Vietnamese clothing designer stole my heart. The man was sexy, patient and beautiful.

Hoang herself lives with Aspergers and  I adored her portrayal of Stella. She showcased not only her brilliant mind but how different their thought process and perception of the world is. Like most folks, she wants to be known for herself, not her condition. Like many, she keeps her disorder a secret. However, routines, crowds, clothing issues and open unabashedly candid comments made for some of the sweetest, laughable and tender moments in a romance I've ever read.

Michael has his own hangups most stemming from his father, but he is very close to his mother and siblings. In fact, the whole reason he works for the escort service on Friday evenings is for them. It melted my heart and only further endeared him to me.

"Michael was mint chocolate chip for her. She could try other flavors, but he'd always be her favorite."

I laughed, wept and simply lost myself in this sexy, heartwarming and sometimes erotic story as Michael gave Stella lessons that began as sexual and moved to dealing with relationships, family, and social outings. As the two worked towards helping Stella learn the nuances of a relationship something incredible happened. Of course, there were plenty of stumbling blocks and growth but the story that unfolded was one that will stick with me. In fact, I may never look at my hubby's underwear the same way again. Ha, and I don't mean sexually, you'll have to read the book to discover the true meaning of briefs.

"I like you better than calculus, and math is the only thing that unites the universe." This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Reviewer

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  • Started reading
  • 9 May, 2018: Finished reading
  • 9 May, 2018: Reviewed