Reviewed by chymerra on

3 of 5 stars

What I liked about Death’s Angels:

1. The main characters. Leon, Rik, Sarge, The Barbarian, Gunther were very well written. Rik’s story is the only that pops at you and when you read the more you will figure out why.

2. The book flowed. It went from one scene to another without any awkwardness. I hate it when I read a book and the chapters don’t seem to flow together.

3. The Terrach’s. The back story was very interesting. So interesting that I am going to be on the lookout for the other books in the series.

What I dislike at Death’s Angels:

1. The cover. I almost didn’t download this book because of the cover. To me, it doesn’t gel with the story.

2. Rik’s backstory. I wish the author got more into Rik’s story instead of letting it trickle out. But it did move me to want to read the other books so…

3. I could only come out with 2 dislikes.

**I voluntarily reviewed this book**

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  • 13 April, 2014: Finished reading
  • 13 April, 2014: Reviewed