Duck on a Bike by David Shannon

Duck on a Bike

by David Shannon

One day down on the farm, Duck got a wild idea. "I bet I could ride a bike," he thought. He waddled over to where the boy parked his bike, climbed on and began to ride. At first he rode slowly and he wobbled a lot, but it was fun! Duck rode past Cow and waved to her. "Hello, Cow!" said Duck. "Moo," said Cow. But what she thought was, "A duck on a bike? That's the silliest thing I've ever seen!"
And so Duck rides past sheep, horse, and all the other barnyard animals. Suddenly, a group...Read more

Reviewed by mbtc on

4 of 5 stars

We received this book from our pediatrician's office. It's a really cute read. I think we'll enjoy reading it with her as she grows and talking more about the animals and modes of transportation.

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  • Started reading
  • 27 May, 2015: Finished reading
  • 27 May, 2015: Reviewed