The Soldier's Rebel Lover by Marguerite Kaye

The Soldier's Rebel Lover (Comrades in Arms, #2)

by Marguerite Kaye

A hero...a rebel...a desire worth fighting for! When Major Finlay Urquhart was last on the battlefield he shared a sizzling moment with daring Isabella Romero. Two years later Finlay has one final duty to perform for his country — one that reunites him with this rebellious señorita! Except Isabella has her own mission — which means that no matter how much she craves Finlay's touch she can never tell him the truth. But she's underestimated Finlay's determination to protect her, and soon she finds herself letting her guard scorching kiss at a time!

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

4 of 5 stars

Romance set during and just after the Napoleonic wars in Spain. Interesting characters.

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  • Started reading
  • 16 October, 2015: Finished reading
  • 16 October, 2015: Reviewed