The Outrageous Debutante by Anne O'Brien

The Outrageous Debutante (The Faringdon Scandals, #2) (Harlequin Historical, #781) (Mills & Boon Historical) (Regency High-Society Affairs, v. 10)

by Anne O'Brien

Neither Theodora Wooton-Devereux nor Lord Nicholas Faringdon are enthusiastic participants in the game of love. But soon the handsome gentleman captures the heart of the beautiful debutante. But fate is not on their side...

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

4 of 5 stars

Theodora Wooton-Devereux's parents decide that it's time for her (and them) to take a break from ambassadorship and exploring foreign cities to go to London for her to have a Season. There she falls for Nicholas Farington. However there are secrets in her past that will affect their future happiness. Can he forgive her blood to catch love or will the taint of her past destroy her future.

Look, it's a romance and you probably know the results but the path is interesting and the interplay fun and the way in which the characters thoughts follow their speech is quite charming.

Fun, light romance.

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  • Started reading
  • 28 April, 2009: Finished reading
  • 28 April, 2009: Reviewed