Reviewed by readingwithwrin on

5 of 5 stars

Thank you to Martina Boone for a copy of the book!
This book is a major roller coaster of emotions.
Love For Two Lifetimes is told in dual perspectives of Izzy and Malcolm. This dual point-of-view is done amazingly well as always by Boone and really helps make the story so special.
First, we have Izzy who loses her famous piano-playing mother in a car accident her senior year of highschools months before she graduates. Her mother's death leaves her heartbroken, lost, and confused. While going through her mom's papers to pay the bills, she finds a box full of unsent letters her mom had written to a mysterious guy Izzy had never heard her talk about before. The more Izzy reads these letters the more she learns about her mom's life before her. With the clues in the letters and some internet searches, she finds out where the guy lives. After that, she decides to see why her mom loved him so much and if he could give her any clues about the part of her mom's life she knew nothing about.
Izzy also has a faithful best friend Elli by her side through the book rather it be in person or through texts she is always cheering her on and lending a helping hand when needed. I loved Elli so much throughout the book and I am so glad that Izzy had such an amazing best friend by her side that was so supportive.
We also have Malcolm who is so kind, caring, and just so easy to love the more you get to know him. I loved seeing things from his point of view and getting to know him and his life. It was such a vast difference from Izzy's that it made the two of them work so well together as a team to try and figure out this mystery of her mom's life.

Overall I really did love this book. We all know Contemporary that leads more towards the romance genre isn't my typical favorite type of book, but this one just did something for me. We had the mystery aspect as well of figuring out her moms past which I loved, and then we had Malcolm's family history and all that they do to help keep history and knowledge alive.
Boone did an amazing job as always with this book and I am so glad she wrote another YA book! I can't wait to see what she comes out with next.

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  • Started reading
  • 24 November, 2018: Finished reading
  • 24 November, 2018: Reviewed