A Seal Forever by Anne Elizabeth

A Seal Forever

by Anne Elizabeth

Returning home after suffering a debilitating injury during his last mission, Navy SEAL Declan Smith finds himself falling for his beautiful neighbor Maura Maxwell, who has stayed by his side during his fight to recover.

Reviewed by thebookdisciple on

4 of 5 stars

3.5 Stars
I almost gave up on this book. The 1st third of the book just didn't really hold my attention and I wasn't sure exactly where the author was going with the story. However, the book turned in to a beautiful story about strength and true love. Watching Maura and Dec grow and accept (even embrace) their pain and injury was beautiful. Anne Elizabeth did a great job writing a realistic story of dealing with trauma. The SEAL aspect is technical enough to feel real, but not so technical as to turn off the reader. The book still felt a bit slow for me at times and I found myself wanting to skim a bit. However, overall, its a good story with good characters! Will be on my blog on 12/14/15 The Book Disciple
POV: 3rd
Tears: Yes
Triggers: War injuries
Trope: Second Chance, Self Discovery

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  • Started reading
  • 12 December, 2015: Finished reading
  • 12 December, 2015: Reviewed