Feminist City by Leslie Kern

Feminist City

by Leslie Kern

Leslie Kern wants your city to be feminist. An intrepid feminist geographer, Kern combines memoir, theory, pop culture, and geography in this collection of essays that invites the reader to think differently about city spaces and city life.

From the geography of rape culture to the politics of snow removal, the city is an ongoing site of gendered struggle. Yet the city is perhaps also our best hope for shaping new social relations based around care and justice.

Taking on fear, motherhood, friendship, activism, and the joys and perils of being alone, Kern maps the city from new vantage points,...

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Reviewed by jamiereadthis on

4 of 5 stars

Insightful and fascinating book. The speculation on how societies could function beyond the nuclear family was unexpected and had me glued to the page, a subject dear to my heart.

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  • Started reading
  • 16 August, 2020: Finished reading
  • 16 August, 2020: Reviewed