Reviewed by Angie on

2 of 5 stars

I absolutely loved the premise for Halloween is for Lovers. Hugh has been dead for a little while, but he can't let go of his love for Lily. Then there's a posting for a haunting audition: whoever is selected, gets to return to the land of the living for one night. Hugh isn't very scary, but he's desperate to get back to Lily and explain why he left and tell her how much he still loves her. Well, his audition goes abysmally, but the judges overhear him talking about true love. They decide to send him, in hopes that he'll fail at his mission, coming back even more depressed than before. Death is really messed up realm, if you were wondering.

Halloween is for Lovers was great until Hugh has to face Lily's new fiance. I loved the author's idea of death. It's dark and boring, and just not a place you want to go. I also really liked how everyone just assumed that Hugh had an epic costume, rather than being actually dead and dirty. It was quite funny. But, crazy fiance Dr. Steve just lost me. It wasn't my kind of humor at all. It was very over-the-top and bizarre, and took me out of Hugh's journey.

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  • 22 October, 2014: Finished reading
  • 22 October, 2014: Reviewed