Reviewed by Hixxup on

5 of 5 stars

Ok I just loved this book; it started out with a quiet scene that turned into a chaotic one, which instantly got my attention. Then POOF you’re in another world some odd years later. Then is goes on about two teenagers who are living in a run-down motel room, and both working in a diner just to survive. Aurora & Finn, had shown up at the foster home they lived at, at the same exact time, and both of them had no recollection of their past before then. They became best friends, but both of them eventually turned into loving each other like “in love” loving each. But Aurora has something weird about her, she doesn’t quite know what it is, and she thinks she just might be crazy. Until one day a stranger walks into their lives, and tells them about a prophecy, and she’s the key to it. Of course they didn’t believe her and Fenn wanted nothing but to get her away from this unkown man. But one day something that the old man had said, had happened, and shook both Rory and Fenn up enough to start believing what the old man had said. Come to find out Rory has powers. From then on it’s a search to find the keys to get her home. Fenn, has to leave her to protect her, and leaves her alone lost and confused. Then she meets Lexi, a quirky girl from the other realm, who is there to help and protect Rory, she’s cute. So now Rory and Lexi go on the adventure to find these keys, meanwhile constantly fighting and escaping the grasp of Kordon’s grasp, on Rory. This book was filled with adventure, action, and some romance, and definitely some humor. It left things with a smile, but you know that more is to come. And as for me, I cannot wait for the next book, I’m highly intrigued to see how things pan out.

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  • 23 September, 2012: Finished reading
  • 23 September, 2012: Reviewed